Thursday, November 12, 2009

Competitiveness and Collegiate Athletics

Michael Sandt

If you're a college student, like I am, you probably spend way too much time watching ESPN. Some may even have the iconic logo burned permanently into their retinas. Regardless of how avidly you watch SportsCenter, this is one video you must see.Once you finish the video you'll probably go through a couple distinct phases of shock and awe. First, disbelief, this can't possibly be happening. In a collegiate soccer match, on TELEVISION?! Second, wonder, why on earth is this young lady doing this. It's quite apparent that there's no way she can get away with it, yet she continues. And lastly, anger, where were the referees whilst this was occurring and why did she not get ejected.

Regardless of your reaction, the question remains. What on earth happened to sportsmanship? Now I'll be the first to say; that if you're not cheating, you're not trying. But I mean this in the most innocent and non-violent way possible. Not telling a referee that it was indeed a goal or, in my case, kicking the puck in the net. Those are results of a competitiveness amongst athletes. This however, blatantly and utterly crosses the line. While I do agree that some form of retaliation was called for in both cases, is it really necessary to pull a girl to the ground head first by her hair? I think not. Had her retaliation been less violent she probably wouldn't have come under so much criticism. It just goes to show you, as a college athlete you're under much more scrutiny than anyone else in the college community.

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