Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A little Incentive could go a long way.

Anna Smoak

I know I've said this before, but I'll say it again: College tuition is increasing at alarming rates. While nobody is ever happy when they have to pay even more money for college, perhaps following the example of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, and letting students help decide how their money is used would help to calm some of the unrest felt about these increases.

Recently University of Wisconsin at Madison has been 'forced' to raise tuition by up to $3000 dollars for some students (excluding families who make under $80000 per year). This would makes me angry and I don't even go to this school, so I can only imagine how current students of this school would be feeling. As a result "students sought a legitimate say in how the Madison Initiative funds would be allocated across campus". And the university complied by creating a 'student committee to reiew spending proposals.' And this committee isn't simply ignored by the university as one would imagine. In fact, projects going on around the University right now were ranked among the top six by the student committee.

So in conclusion, if universities insist upon raising tuition, the least they could do would is give the students a voice in how the money is spent. Maybe then their wouldn't be such unease about high tuitions, and that could result in higher results and more money in the long run.

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