Saturday, September 5, 2009

College Partying, Is it really as bad as they say?

Loud music, drinking, recreational drug use. Is it a good time at any average college or is it a terrible accident waiting to happen. According to a study conducted by the National Center on Addiction and Substance abuse at Columbia University, the rates of binge drinking and substance abuse are up among college students. The study states that for college students, a surprisingly high 22.9 percent meet the requirements for dependence on either alcohol or other drugs. This compared to the general population which boasts only 8.9 percent of the reaching this level. The most alarming statistic however, is the amount of college students that participate in these activities has remained the same while the intensity of abuse has grown over the years. While the study does give us some valuable insight into what appears to be an epidemic at college campuses nationwide; I for one have seen little evidence or the degree of this degree of abuse. When I walk around campus on weekend nights I see college students having a good time with friends in those few days we get between classes.

Michael Sandt

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