Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The Facts Behind Dropping Out

Michael Sandt

A report published in November of 2005 by the AP examines the demographics and reasons of college dropouts. Among the most startling statistics in the report is the apparent effect of race on whether or not a student will graduate. According to the report 57 percent of white students finish their degrees while only 44 percent of hispanic students and 39 percent of black students do. We often put the blame on the high school education these dropouts recieved but isn't the application process supposed to select those likely to succeed at an institution? While I do feel that a dropouts are an inevitability of the education process, the sheer amount that do as indicated by these statistics is baffling. These 2005 statistics are reinforced by a department of education study which places the dropout rate for the first year at 30 percent and 50 percent overall. If higher education is creating a society of half educated dropouts aren't we doing something wrong?

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