Friday, September 18, 2009

Online Education, a viable alternative?

Michael Sandt

It seems that in recent years the prospect of online college education has taken on a more mainstream image. More people are now willing to enroll in online education as it is now perceived that the benefits gained from higher education are near equal to those provided by a traditional college education. A study conducted by the Department of Education reveals that online learning can be at least as effective as traditional learning in producing measurable outcomes. Perhaps a great sign for the online education business which is booming right now. Others dispute this claim. In another study in which professors at traditional colleges were polled, seventy percent of them viewed online education as either "inferior" or "somewhat inferior".
It is easy to see why online education has become such a popular alternative. The classes are tailored to your schedule, it's cheaper, more easily accessed, and provides nearly all the benefits of a traditional education. The only pitfall I can see in online education is the acceptance of a diploma by employers. Until the corporate world begins to treat University of Phoenix degrees with the same consideration they would give to MIT degrees, traditional college will remain the most popular method of higher education. That being said, in the near future don't be surprised when your boss has a degree from University of Phoenix.

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